ABC's of NOI: Every Dollar Counts
Learn about NOI & identify ways your community can become more profitable
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (MST)

If you don’t know what this means, you should attend this course!
Everyone on your team makes an impact to the success of your community as it relates to financial performance, and every dollar earned and spent counts when it comes to NOI – the Net Operating Income. In this class everyone on your team will learn about NOI and learn how to identify ways your community can become more profitable.
In this class, students will learn the NOI equation and be given specific examples of how each position impacts NOI such as:
- Maintenance completing a make ready one day early
- What does an extra day of rent mean to the bottom line
- How small changes to rent or fees can affect NOI - increasing rent by $2 can pay for a golf cart for the community.
- What you can do to impact the bottom line.
Leave class knowing how to “own” your piece of the NOI pie.
Who Should Attend: Property Owners, Managers, Leasing and Maintenance Supervisors