Fair Housing for Maintenance Professionals (hybrid)

Gain a better understanding of Fair Housing through situational learning

Thursday, August 20, 2020
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (MDT)

Fair Housing for Maintenance

When your service staff interacts with residents, do they know how to deal with Fair Housing issues? Help them understand what's legal and what's not!

Developed specifically with Maintenance, Housekeeping, and Groundskeepers in mind, this course introduces on-site service staff to Fair Housing regulations and prepares them for interacting with residents.

Topics include:

  • Defining Fair Housing
  • Interacting with Residents
  • What's Legal and What's Not
  • General Do's and Don'ts
  • And much more!


Who Should Attend: Maintenance, Housekeeping and Groundskeeping Personnel

 Presented By: Susan Lind


Seminar Pricing
  • $49 | In-person (member) 
  • $49 | Virtual (member) 
  • $79 | In-person and Virtual (non-member)

Hybrid Seminar: What to Expect 

Hybrid classes will have the option for members to attend in-person or virtually through Zoom. When registering for class, please be sure to select the correct ticket type for your preferred delivery method.

Students attending virtually will still have the option to ask questions live and interact with the instructor and class. Be sure to bring all your questions!

 Things to Know 
  • All in-person training will observe social distancing requirements as mandated by local and state orders
  • All in-person training will observe restrictions on gathering sizes as mandated by local and state orders. Classes sizes will be limited.
  • Face masks, gloves, and sanitizer will be available for any member attending class
  • Hybrid classes are not included in the Virtual All Access Pass

Click Here for In-person Education COVID-19 Policy

For more information

Lisa Godbehere or Rowan Thompson 


lisa@aamdhq.org   rowan@aamdhq.org