2018 IROC Holiday Party
Join us for networking, music, raffle prizes and fun!
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM (MST)
IROC Holiday Party
It has been a great year for IROC Denver and the leadership team invites you to join fellow Rental Owners at the second annual IROC holiday party! There will be food, drinks, music, networking and more! There will be raffle prizes throughout the night as well.
Don't miss out on this night of celebrating and be sure to RSVP today!
Sponsorships Available
Featured logo on promotional materials
Featured logo on signage throughout the event
Featured logo and photo in Trends
Two (2) tickets to attend the event
Table to place promotional materials on
Opportunity to provide “service” donation to be raffled at the event
- Featured logo on raffle tickets
- Logo on signage throughout the event
- Logo recognition in the Trends
- Two (2) tickets to attend the event
- Opportunity to provide “service” donation to be raffled at the event
- Featured logo on drink tickets
- One (1) ticket to attend the event
- Opportunity to provide “service” donation to be raffled at the event