DENVER (May 27, 2020) – The Colorado Apartment Association reported that 95.2% of renters paid May rent in full by the end of the month. This is an improvement over April, when approximately 91% of residents had paid by the end of the month. The improvement by over 4 percentage points shows... Continue Reading
Press Releases and Media Information
Michelle Lyng (email)
Novitas Communications
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DENVER (May 13, 2020) – The Colorado Apartment Association reported that 88.8% of renters paid Mayrent in full by May 5. This is a significant improvement over April, when 83.6% of residents had paid byApril 6 (a 5.2 percentage point increase in rent payment). This shows that, despite... Continue Reading
Data collected through March 11 and is not inclusive of coronavirus impact Denver (April 24, 2020) – Today the Apartment Association of Metro Denver released results from thequarterly Denver Metro Area Apartment Vacancy and Rent Survey conducted by the University ofDenver’s Daniels... Continue Reading
DENVER (April 17, 2020) – The Colorado Apartment Association is reporting that approximately 91% ofColorado renters were able to pay their April rent on time. CAA reports that the April rent delinquency rate was 9%, which is 1.8% higher than the average Januaryand February delinquency... Continue Reading
DENVER (April 13, 2020) – The Colorado Apartment Association has concerns about the Denver CityCouncil’s Proclamation No. 20-0350, set to be considered during tonight’s Denver City Council meeting. “Colorado Apartment Association’s top concerns are the health and... Continue Reading
Last month, the AAMD Hall of Fame elected to induct the following three individuals to the Hall of Fame based on their experience, leadership and impact on the Denver multifamily industry. The induction is scheduled to be held at June Awards on June 25, 2020 at the Vehicle Vault in... Continue Reading
DENVER (April 7, 2020) – The Colorado Apartment Association issued the following statement fromMark Williams, executive vice president of the Colorado Apartment Association, in response to the rentstrike protest during today’s town hall meeting with Governor Polis and KUSA... Continue Reading
DENVER (April 8, 2020) – The Colorado Apartment Association today reported that 17.3% of residentswere late on rent as of April 6. The results came from a rent collection poll to which 44 housingorganizations responded representing approximately 80,000 units throughout Colorado. This... Continue Reading
DENVER (March 24, 2020) – Today the Colorado Apartment Association’s COVID-19 task force, which is made up of representatives from nearly 45 medium and large housing communities and housing providers throughout the state, announced its recommendations for Colorado rental housing... Continue Reading
DENVER (March 17, 2020) – Following news of mandated closures throughout Colorado in therestaurant and hospitality industry, the Colorado Apartment Association has created a guide to helpColorado renters in the face of income shortfalls. “The basic shutdown of much of our economy in... Continue Reading
Every management company will do things differently – mindful that their top priority is the health and wellbeing of their residents and employees. The Centers for Disease Control and Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment have the most up-to-date guidelines and information... Continue Reading
DENVER (March 10, 2020) – Today, Drew Hamrick, senior vice president and general counsel at theColorado Apartment Association, offered a statement regarding Broomfield Ordinance 2100, LocalGovernment Authority Promotes Affordable Housing Units: “Tonight, the Broomfield City Council... Continue Reading