Rent has increased on average 1.1% annually over the past two years Continue Reading
Industry Newsroom
Industry News
There’s a growing misconception that large residential property management companies charge above market-rate rent by using computerized pricing algorithms. This claim is the basis of both a highly publicized class action lawsuit and a US Department of Justice probe/ PR campaign. The... Continue Reading
A record number of bills were proposed in the Colorado Legislature this year. Of the 705 bills introduced this session, the Colorado Apartment Association (CAA) identified more than a dozen that would have been harmful to rental housing providers. CAA and its lobbyist team HBS minimized the... Continue Reading
At the Education Conference and Trade Show on May 14, AAMD President Amie Robertshaw announced the Finalists for Person of the Year. See the announcement video, or see the finalists by expanding the option below the video. The Person of the Year will be announced at June Awards on June 27 at... Continue Reading
This is a big question! We think it needs to start with perception. Homelessness needs to be understood as a problem driven by a lack of access to housing. It is a market failure. People are forced out of stable housing or are unable to access it when housing markets don’t provide... Continue Reading
Monthly rent payments are more than just a transaction between a resident and a rental housing provider. It's a pivotal contribution to the American economy, community growth and the backbone of the rental housing industry. Rent payments directly support 17.5 million jobs. They also finance local... Continue Reading
Organization focused on reducing situational homelessness names Kit Baker-Carr as Executive Director and selects City Advisory Board; AAMD donates $20,000 to launch the organization Continue Reading
Expand for Table of Contents (QuickLinks) Table of Contents Most Outstanding Leasing Experience Most Captivating Amenity Experience Most Impactful Community Renovation Most Innovative Resident Lifestyle Experience Most Outstanding Executive Most Outstanding Regional Management... Continue Reading
It is with a heavy heart that we share the news that Debbie Wilson passed away last weekend (May 5, 2023). Debbie’s extensive involvement and deep contributions with the Apartment Association were absolutely incredible. She was a fundamental part of everything we stand for through... Continue Reading
Recently the Metro Denver apartment market surpassed 400,000 apartment homes! This landmark gives us the opportunity to take a look back at the history of Denver’s housing development, a look forward to what’s next, a close look at who’s building in Denver, and an evaluation of... Continue Reading
This week, the Apartment Association of Metro Denver (AAMD) released the 2023 First Quarter Vacancy & Rent Report for Metro Denver. The average vacancies and apartment rents remained very flat for the first quarter of 2023. Vacancies remained at 5.6%, the exact same as last quarter. Rents... Continue Reading