AAMD Distributes Over 23,000 Face Masks To Members And Affiliates

Industry Newsroom, AAMD News,

In the early stages of the crisis, face masks were one of the most controversial topics. Many experts reported masks were not helpful in preventing the spread, which went against everything we knew. Whether you watched M*A*S*H, General Hospital, E.R., or Grey’s Anatomy growing up, face masks were a consistent character in these medical programs illustrating one of the most basic medical functions of preventing a patient from passing along a potential disease or infection to a doctor, and vice versa. So when facemasks were not recommended, it didn’t seem to make sense. More likely the narrative was designed to prevent hording of masks so they were still available for medical professionals. But messaging around facemasks was as unclear as anything.

Once it became clear that face-masks were a good idea, AAMD immediately partnered with Sondra LeClaire with Corporate Recognition to bulk order masks for Association members and affiliates across the State. First an order of 5,000 was arranged and distributed to AAMD management companies. Members signed up to receive masks and a “curb side” pick up was organized in mid-April, where members drove through the AAMD parking lot and masks were passed through car windows all day long. This was so popular, and the need was much broader- so AAMD ordered another 20,000 face masks for members!

This second round of masks were sold to members at a reduced bulk price, where a portion of those proceeds were donated to the Resident Relief Foundation (RRF). The RRF has been an important effort to help those residents who have been directly affected by the crisis and need assistance to pay rent. The effort has raised nearly $100,000 as of May 25, 2020.

Thank you to the Association staff who safely handed out and distributed over 23,000 masks to over 150 association member companies across the state. There is still a small supply available as of May 25- so if interested in purchasing bulk order masks please contact Betty Knecht at the Association Office.