Keep Your Residents Warm & Fuzzy this Winter Season

Posted By: Liz Capone Maintenance,

winter_carton cittyIt is hard to imagine, yet, here we are, days are shorter, and it is noticeably cooler. Winter is right around the corner. Here are a few quick tips to help you, your community, and your residents prepare for the upcoming heating season.

Heating System Inspections. We have all heard the idiom; an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The same is true for your community’s heating and cooling systems, taking care of the little things before they become big things is key to both your budget and your resident’s comfort. Some elements to inspect include:

  • Inspect Heat Exchanger
  • Inspect Fans and Blowers
  • Inspect Humidifier
  • Check Wiring
  • Check Gas Line
  • Clean Flame Sensor
  • Inspect Flu Pipe


During heating season longer cycles of use create the need for more frequent filter changes. Frequent changes help ensure your system is running as efficiently as possible. Note, it is important to use the correct MERV rated filter designed for your system. The wrong sized MERV rated filter can be detrimental to the overall system performance. Filter changes are recommended at least every 90 days. Change every 30 – 60 days in high dust areas or homes with pets.


Ensure vents are open, and clear of debris. Clearing any obstructions and creating uninhibited air flow is probably one of the easiest ways to promote resident comfort and system efficiency.


 Set your thermostat to 68 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter.

According to Energy Star, setting your thermostat to 68 degrees Fahrenheit (20 degrees Celsius) when you’re home is the ideal balance of comfort and energy efficiency. So why is 68 degrees the magic number? The energy saving key is lowering the temperature (about
10-12 degrees Fahrenheit or 6-8 degrees Celsius) at night or when you’re away. Don’t turn that dial!

Your residents can save as much as 10% a year in heating and cooling costs by turning back thermostats 7 - 10 degrees Fahrenheit for eight hours a day. Constantly raising or lowering the temperature throughout the day or forgetting to set it to the proper temperature can cost them more over time.


Have a look to ensure windows are in good condition. Well maintained seals inhibit cold air from entering your resident’s home. Help residents stay more comfortable and maintain a more consistent temperature in their homes. Ask them to open blinds and coverings to let in ambient sun heat during the day and closing during the evening provides additional insulation.

Know When to Call the Professionals.

Knowing when to call in the professionals is critical, especially during unexpected cold snaps. Determining that a system break down requires professional attention quickly allows your maintenance teams to move to other key resident calls.

We hope these tips increase your team’s efficiency and drive higher resident approval ratings in the coming months and all year long.