Post Open Positions for FREE on

Industry Newsroom, AAMD News,

In an effort to drive new talent to the Denver multifamily industry, AAMD is investing in a major media ad campaign to direct job seekers to to learn about the industry and apply for open positions.

In order to remove all the barriers for AAMD members to post their open positions, we have waived the fee to post Basic 30-day listings.  In other words, you can post unlimited positions for free.


Here are the steps to post a job:

  • Go to
  • Click “Sign In”
  • Click “Yes, I am a Member!” and login with your AAMD Website Login**
  • Click “Post a Job”
  • Select the credits you’d like and any upgrades you’d like to purchase.
  • Once checked out, you’ll be redirected to a place to Post a Job.


Remember a Few Tips When Posting a Job:

  • Utilize the basic formatting tools in your Job Description
  • Please be specific with your location and display your exact location if possible so it appears on the map.
  • Please set a salary range if possible.  This will help with filtering/.
  • If you are posting multiple positions at different locations, utilize “Copy From a Previous Job” in the upper right hand corner but be sure to change the location.


** The job board utilizes single sign on, so the system will check to see if you’re logged into the AAMD website and if you aren’t, it will have you login, then redirect back to the ProApartments job board.  If you need an AAMD login, please let me know!