Strategies to Inspire Urgency & Ditch Procrastination

Posted By: Dori J. Brewer Leadership, Management,

As we have all witnessed over the last year, life as we know it can change in an instant. Last April, not a day went by that we weren't being inundated with a barrage of bad news and challenges we were facing in our communities and companies. Even to this day, when we read the news and face the challenges, we can often times get stopped in our tracks, paralyzed or stuck in our decisions.

In the last year as many of us pivoted to working from home, time management has been on my mind. have been thinking about urgency, and specifically, how to inspire it in myself, and in others. I wanted to share a few simple strategies I am implementing to change my relationship with procrastination, and steps I am taking to inspire urgency in myself, and others.

Start the Task/Gain Momentum:

Even if you have failed at taking action in the past, get going! If you want to win, you must begin. This seems obvious but if you have been procrastinating at something just start moving your feet. Momentum is a state of mind that ignites energy, enthusiasm and passion.

Block Off Time:

Chances are very remote that you will ever get things done without it getting scheduled in to your calendar. We procrastinate forever because we don't block off the necessary time to finish the job.

Now more than ever, it is important to schedule time for people and events that are important to you. Block off "me time" and schedule some self-care in vour calendar. You deserve it and those moments can help you keep moving through the rough patches.

Bite Sized Pieces:

I know you have heard this before, but it is worth repeating. How do you eat an elephant?

One bite at a time. It's important to keep the end goal in mind, but some projects require "one step" or "one day at a time". The key is to get moving and stay in motion toward the goal.

Mentality Matters:

People who conquer procrastination learn to become "Do It Now'ers". They never wait until tomorrow to do what the know should be done today. The more you put things off the longer the "To Do' list becomes. 'This can cause the task to appear insurmountable. So just do it. now!

Review Accomplishments:

People who are high achievers in life dwell on their successes. They do not spend time or energy focusing on their failures. They take inventory of their failures, make corrections and focus their energy toward what is working.

Operate in a State of Gratitude:

Gratitude is the attitude that can change everything. One of the best habits you can incorporate in your life is to spend a few minutes at the beginning and end of each day reflecting on the people and things you are grateful for.

An attitude of gratitude adjusts your mind to focus on the positive. Concentrate on the abundance you already possess and you'll find it easier to focus on what is possible and what you can accomplish.


I hope these thoughts and strategies inspire you to get moving and get urgent about the people and things that are important to you. I know it has helped me move forward. Have to go for now... things to do!