AAMD Annual Chili Cook-Off: A Tradition of Flavor, Fun, and Friendship

Posted By: Bob Donahue Articles,

At AMLI Residential, one of the most anticipated events of the year is the AAMD Chili Cook-Off. This time-honored tradition has become much more than just a fun competition; it’s a celebration of community, creativity, and camaraderie among our teams. For us at AMLI, the
Chili Cook-Off is serious business, but it's also an incredible opportunity to connect with our communities and each other.

Our annual journey to the AAMD Chili Cook-Off begins well before the event itself. Each year, AMLI hosts an internal chili competition, where the real magic starts. Every community is represented by a chili chef, and the contest to create the best chili ignites across the company.
The best part? It’s an all-day affair where all community managers embark on a flavorful road trip to taste-test each chili entry. And when I say road trip, I mean it! Our enthusiastic Area Vice President, Shannon—who doubles as a van driver extraordinaire—rents a huge van and chauffeurs the entire team from community to community across the city. 

The day is filled with laughter, conversation, and of course, the
occasional sweat from sampling the
extra-spicy batches. Shannon, as our
fearless driver, navigates us through the
city like a seasoned limo driver, and if
she ever wanted a second career, I’m
certain she would thrive in that role! Each
community adds its unique flair to the
competition, from creative decorations to
thoughtful details like providing TUMS (a
necessity after a long day of chili tasting!).
Some teams prepare incredible side
dishes to complement their chili—think
tender pork belly or other delectable,
homemade treats. And the chili itself?
You’ll find everything from fiery red chilis
to classic green varieties, each with its
own twist. No matter the style, every dish
is packed with passion and flavor.

One of the best aspects of the day is
seeing the pride on the face of each chili
maker. Everyone pours their heart into the
dish, and the enthusiasm is contagious. By
the end of the day, we’re all a bit “chili’d
out,” but the fun doesn’t stop there. The
toughest part comes next: voting for the
winner. With so many amazing entries, it
feels almost impossible to choose just one.
After the internal competition wraps
up and the champion is crowned, we
shift gears and focus on preparing for
the main event: the AAMD Chili Cook-
Off itself. This is where our teams truly
shine. Planning for the event becomes
a collaborative effort, tapping into the
diverse talents of our AMLI FAMLI. We’ve
got planners, builders, chefs, bartenders—
you name it, and someone from our team
is stepping up. Together, we pull together
a cohesive theme that embodies the spirit
of AMLI, and we bring our vision to life at
the event. It’s all hands on deck, and we
wouldn’t have it any other way.
The Chili Cook-Off is one of the
highlights of our year, and it’s easy to
see why. It’s not just about the food; it’s
about the connections we build, the fun
we have, and the memories we make. It’s
an event we look forward to every year,
and rest assured, we wouldn’t miss it for
the world!
Speaking of WORLD, we hope that
all AAMD members are as excited
about the 25th Anniversary AAMD Chili
Cook Off as the AMLI FAMLI is! The
theme is “A World of Chili” and there
are several themed awards to be taken
home, as well as the traditional traveling
trophies and all the bragging rights. Get
registered today, and we look forward to
seeing you on October 19th at the Redi
Carpet warehouse!