Person of the Year 2023 Finalists

AAMD News, Leadership,

Each year the Apartment Association recognizes someone as the “Person of the Year.” Here is a brief look at the finalists for this award.

CARY BRUTEIG | Apartment Insights

In the past year, when the researcher of AAMD's 40-year-old Vacancy and Rent report retired, Cary stepped up to take over authorship and research of the project. The result is a reimagined report with new data, new charts and graphs, and a streamlined process designed to make the report more accessible and timely.

We appreciate Cary's willingness to continue to research and educate people about the Denver market, including giving presentations at industry events and participating in press conferences so an accurate portrayal of our industry is displayed in the media.



SARAH EDISON | First Onsite

It is hard to believe Sarah has only been involved for two years. From day one she has been fully engaged in the Association, helping lead the Ambassadors to new heights. She worked
to improve the AAMD orientation by allowing the Ambassadors to present and facilitate them.

Sarah serves on on many committees and is always open to help the Events department with their many marketing compaigns and community blitzes.


TAMERA GREENE | Thompson Thrift Residential

Tamera continues to go above and beyond for AAMD. Serving this past year as Charity Auction Co-Chair and Tributes Co-Chair, in addition to other committees she sits on, her hands stay full.

Tamera has played a large role in the success of the last two Charity Auction events and our Tributes event is well on its’ way to greatness under her leadership with her co-chair and committee.

As our newest-elected member of the AAMD Executive Committee, we look forward to continuing to work with her in years to come.


Bobby has lead perhaps our most important Council defending the Apartment industry through the Joint Legislative Advisory Council, during a year which has been the most difficult in our long history of protecting our members from unfavorable legislation.

With nearly 20 bills directly targeting the industry. Bobby’s leadership, guidance and expertise have been invaluable to our Government Affairs and public relations.

Bobby also serves on the AAMD Alliance, the CAA Board of Directors, and CAA Executive Committee further demonstrating his amazing leadership and support for Association governance.

PAT KLASS | Lenox Hill Investments

Pat Klass has shown what it truly means to be an engaged leader in action and performance during her role as IROC Chair & Vice President of the Apartment Association of Metro Denver. For example, on a sunny Saturday afternoon last fall, she took it upon herself to invite IROC members to a local park and share food and drinks with the intention building personal relationships with the members and drive more engagement to the IROC Program.

She is a proud IROC Member and engages with the IROC group in as many AAMD events as possible. Pat somehow manages to focus on the now and the future and I believe she is a shining example of what it means to be a volunteer leader at the AAMD.

AMY LASSERS | The Araho Group

Amy proudly wears many hats for The Association. Currently serving as IROC Chair-Elect, Charity Auction Co-Chair, and Tributes Co-Chair, the volunteer hours she has given this past year are countless. Her efforts have helped raise over $50,000 for Family HomeStead and AAMD's Apartments Giving Back initaitive.

Amy is an intentional leader who always serves with a smile, always giving at least 110% to what she has committed to. 

Amy's Tributes leadership with her co-chair and committee will culminate with the event this

PETE MUCCIO | Tschetter Sulzer

Pete has served in a variety of important roles this past year including: AAMD Executive Committee as Supplier at Large, Member Services Co Chair, JLAC appointed seat, and AAMD
Alliance contributor. Pete’s legal expertise and work on critical legislation has been invaluable- helping to dramatically lessen the negative impact of proposed legislation. Pete also has written articles for Trends Magazine as well as taught a variety of classes for AAMD. 

As an influencer on campaigns and elections Pete and his firm have been among the largest supplier member contributor to these efforts.

TONYA STOROVICH | Santee Metal Works

It's hard to find an area of AAMD in which Tonya is not in some way involved. She is always willing to go above and beyond what is asked of AAMD volunteers and she does it with a smile and positive attitude.

From leading the Suppliers council to new heights, teaching many classes, serving on multiple committees, attending nearly every major event and taking the lead on helping at Charity Auction, Tonya's involvement makes AAMD a better organization as a whole!