The Value of Your Network

Posted By: Sarah Edison Leadership, Supplier Partners,


What’s the first thought that comes to mind when you hear the word network? Is it, excitement that you get to go meet new people? Panic that it’s going to be another awkward experience where you hide against the wall trying to not talk to anyone? Or is it more nerdy, like cables and whatever network systems are made out of?

Well, have no fear, regardless of what your reaction to networking is. I’m here to remind you how important it is, especially because of how vast and every changing our industry is. Whether it’s your first month in the multifamily industry, your millionth or somewhere in the middle, this will be an extra special issue of Trends for you.

But first, who am I? When I joined the multifamily industry over four years ago, I was lost. Like, really lost. My career felt flat, like I was wandering without clear direction, and I didn’t even know what "multifamily" meant. (My first thought was something about multiple families living in one house.) Spoiler alert: that’s not it.

Once I started, though, I quickly realized I was in this big, fast-paced, lively industry with its own quirks and community, and I immediately fell in love. What really made it amazing, though, were the people. People who welcomed me, supported me, and became more than colleagues. They became my network and that has made all the difference.

Our industry is ripe with room for personal and professional growth and finding your network is a huge key to that. And I know, it can seem a bit overwhelming at first. Where do you even start?! It doesn’t matter if your role is onsite or a supplier, it’s valuable to get to know all different people and their roles that make up this community.

The issue you are about to read is a little like dipping a toe into the Olympic sized swimming pool we call our multi’family’.

So, don’t wait, dive into this issue and meet some of the amazing people who have grown their network and are passionate about this community. And after you’ve finished this issue, it’s your turn to get involved. You can’t start to build your network if you don’t take action. Start small —send that LinkedIn request, join a committee (may I suggest Onsite Engagement), or invite someone for coffee. You never know where it might lead. And remember, success is so much sweeter when you’re sharing it with people who genuinely have your back. We’re all in this together, and it’s a lot more fun that way!