Jack Luscombe "Pay It Forward" Award: Jenny Jorgensen When you think of Jenny, the first word that comes to mind is Passion! She has been involved with AAMD and served in a leadership role for more than a decade. She has served on several different committees and is currently serving as the... Continue Reading
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News and Updates on AAMD and the Industry
Denver Housing Authority’s vision statement articulates that every individual or family shall have quality and affordable housing in communities offering empowerment, economic opportunity, and a vibrant living environment. This vision remained intact throughout the Covid-19 pandemic in which... Continue Reading
As we continue to progress through the pandemic and a return to “normal,” I am so grateful for the areas of light we had during a time filled with so much darkness and uncertainty. On-site partners and management companies alike really had an opportunity and in the spirit of giving... Continue Reading
The multifamily housing industry is unique by nature, as it provides a primary need – housing. Not only that, but apartment communities, owners and management companies spend tens of thousands of dollars and thousands of hours contributing to the needs of their community in different areas... Continue Reading
"We are excited about the opportunity to partner with them to provide needed services to our renters who fall below the 60% median income level. Provided a clubhouse for them to work out of at one of our properties." BLDG Management and Warren Village, a Denver-based organization focusing on... Continue Reading
DENVER (Oct. 27, 2021) – This week, the Apartment Association of Metro Denver (AAMD) released 2021 third quarter results from the Denver Metro Area Apartment Vacancy and Rent Survey, conducted by the University of Denver’s Daniels College of Business and Colorado Economic Management... Continue Reading
To say Housing Credit compliance is difficult would be an understatement. There is so much to learn, comprehend, and execute and the rules are just plain complicated. Add in the state-specific rules, numerous gray areas, and the likelihood of other programs being on your property, and you have the... Continue Reading
The last year and a half have not been good for mental wellness.The pandemic and its resulting lay-offs, remote work, onsite work, work where the rules changed daily, the “stay 6 feet away” habit (both emotionally and physically) the incessant roller coaster of safety vs. threat,... Continue Reading
When a property fails a REAC Inspection, the property owners and managers often take it personally. It can feel like a gut punch, and often the initial response is defensive. A defensive response is entirely normal; it’s even human. However, this response often gets property owners in... Continue Reading
At any given time, Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) properties all over the country are helping tens of thousands of households by providing decent, safe and sanitary affordable housing. A property can continue to do so if the responsible management professionals follow the basic rules of... Continue Reading
Affordable housing has been one of the hottest political topics in Colorado during the last decade. At the root of the issue has been massive population growth (particularly between 2013 and 2017) with lagging production of new housing units. The economic upheaval caused by virus related business... Continue Reading
The cost of housing has increased dramatically in Colorado. The average cost of buying a house has gone up 49% in the last 5 years (10% per year). The average rent rate has increased 18% over that same period of time (3.6% per year). Perhaps because many people own houses, the increased cost of... Continue Reading