On June 25, AAMD Hall of Fame Chair Terry Simone annouced the 2021 Hall of Fame Inductees. The induction will take place at the Conference Kick off at the Education Conference & Trade Show on July 28 at 8:45 a.m. Carrie Gillis As an association icon and legislative warrior for our business... Continue Reading
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News and Updates on AAMD and the Industry
This last year has been challenging on so many levels, but as President of AAMD it has been amazing to watch and see all that we were still able to accomplish as an organization. So many people went above and beyond. From challenges with Pandemic… Challenges on the legislative... Continue Reading
Data Suggests an Increase of Pet Owners in Apartments Many apartment operators have worked diligently to improve their pet-friendliness levels. And if pet friendliness wasn’t already a primary focus, it definitely should be now. New data indicates that the well-documented spike in pet... Continue Reading
The National Apartment Association (NAA) has announced the winners of the 2021 NAA Best Places to Work Awards, which recognize member organizations that foster a culture of collaboration, innovation and hard work. Further, the awards pay tribute to management companies and industry suppliers that... Continue Reading
Increase your rent and resident retention with sustainable apartment living When a property can present creative ways to make residents’ lives easier, it can be a valuable form of relationship-building. Millennials and Gen Zs, in particular, are increasingly energy conscious, so offering an... Continue Reading
First time renters are excited to live in your community! Continue Reading
Colorado’s rent collection rate 0.9 percentage points higher than the national rate DENVER (June 10, 2021) – Colorado’s rent collection rate was 97.9% as of May 27, 2021, which is 1.1% higher than rent collections from the previous year, with a 96.8% rate recorded in May... Continue Reading
Provide your prospective renters with an apartment brand they will remember by utilizing your social media and apartment website to tell your community’s story. Are you ready to kick off an apartment marketing strategythat requires more of a caring team effort than a big budget? The... Continue Reading
We hear the cry all the time – “Takethe politics out of sports!” Take the politics out of education, out of movies, out of everything!” And I confess, I agree. I don’t want to know what my favorite athlete or actors’ politics are. I don’t care whether... Continue Reading
As we have all witnessed over the last year, life as we know it can change in an instant. Last April, not a day went by that we weren't being inundated with a barrage of bad news and challenges we were facing in our communities and companies. Even to this day, when we read the news and face the... Continue Reading
Today, almost all multifamily marketing efforts revolve around a digital strategy. Whether it’s monitoring your property’s online presence or using new software to collect data on your target audience, it is critical to stay ahead of the marketing technology (martech) curve. While... Continue Reading